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  • Important Update:      Shop legacy sales are closed but will support ytp 4.2+ and Joomla 5

Setting up Currencies

CommerceLab Shop must always have a default currency set, whether or not you're using the Currency Switcher Module.


A default currency is usually set during the Setup Wizard Process, however, it important to be sure that a default currency is selected in the CommerceLab Shop backend component.

Activating a Currency

CommerceLab Shop comes with every currency you could need to run a store anywhere in the world. All you need to do is activate the currencies you need. To activate a currency to CommerceLab Shop, follow these steps below.

Step 1

  • Navigate to the CommerceLab Shop Component and look for "Currencies" on the sidebar menu in the settings dropdown.
  • This will load a currency table with all available currencies.

Step 2

  • Find the currency you wish to activate. You can find the currencies you need by either using the text search:
  • Or by reordering the table:

Step 3

  • Activate your chosen currency by clicking the "x" icon to turn it green:

Step 3

  • Now that your currency is activated, set a "rate". A rate is how the currency will convert in relation to your default currency (which is always set to rate = 1).

    So if your default currency was say, Euro and you just activated Pound Sterling, then you might want to set the "rate" of Pound Sterling to "0.91".


    Now your new currency will be available in the currency switcher module.
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