Included with your CommerceLab Shop component is the payment gateway by Paypal let's walk through setup and configuration of this add-on to get you started taking payments.
Youre going to need your paypal credntials for sandbox testing your sites check and live credntials when you're ready to start taking real payments.
You can get your credentials from the Paypal developers site. Login with your paypal account info or create one.
When in your Paypal developers area click the left hand menu item "apps & Credentials"
With the "SandBox" toggle activated click the button "create app"
Name your new app
And set your app type to "Merchant"
Then Create the app
Copy and save your "Sandbox Client ID"
"Sandbox Secret" to use in the following steps you will need to add these to your plugin.
Go back to "Apps & Credentials" tab by clicking the link in the left menu
Toggle the Switch from "Sandbox" to "live"
Click the button "Create app"
Name your new "Live" App and continue
Copy your "Client ID" &
"Secret" keep this safe
Note: There are no webhooks needed for this Paypal integration.
Navigate to your Joomla 4 >> Plugins section and search for "Paypal"
Click into "Paypal - CommerceLab\Shop"
This is where you'll be entering your "Sandbox" credentials
Leave "User Browser Locale?" Set to yes. This is for advanced usage
Toggle the switch to live and enter your live keys
Leave "User Browser Locale?" Set to yes. This is for advanced usage
Remember to switch the toggle back to "live mode no" so you can test this properly.
Save and close you're ready to go configure this on your checkout page.
Naviage to your checkout page. In your YOOtheme page builder under "CommerceLab Shop Payment (standard)" elements you can find your Paypal element drag this on to your page. To begin the setup
Drag this onto to your checkout page and begin configuring tests on your checkout.