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  • Important Update:      Shop legacy sales are closed but will support ytp 4.2+ and Joomla 5

Back In stock / Waiting list Core

This incredible tool adds an entirely new level of functionality to your Yootheme shop elements. With this add-on, you can now capture email addresses from both logged-out and logged-in customers and add them to a waiting list for the product. You can then notify all users when the product comes back online, using our innovative email manager. The waiting list manager in the backend of the website allows admins to easily review all the people waiting for a product and alert users automatically or manually when the item is back in stock.


Easy to install and implement

Captures email addresses of both logged-in and logged-out customers

Allows users to sign up for a waiting list for products

Sends automatic notifications when the product is back in stock

Administrators can review the waiting list

Alerts users automatically or manually when the product is back in stock

Integrates seamlessly with Yootheme shop elements

With the "Back In Stock / Waiting List Core" add-on, you'll be able to manage product demand and ensure that your customers always have access to the products they love.

Development Status:

Please Support our development

We are a bootstrapped startup if your interested in helping to fund this development please reach out or you can hel[p by donating what you can.

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