Your shop comes ready for sales with ready to use email management system to send customers thier order details and send admin the order notice.
Navigate to your Email Menager by going to the CommerceLab Shop dashboard then scroll down to and activeate the "settings" dropdown and go to "Email Manager"
Thank you email: Triggered automatically when an order is completed.
Order completed email: This is sent to users for Offline payments when you set the order to completed.
Refunded: This email is sent in the case of a refund automatically when set to refunded in the order dashboard.
Pending: Offline Orders the first come in will be set to pending until changed to to comfirmed.
Confirmed email: This is sent to admin when a new order is confirmed.
Denied Email: For offline payments and triggered in the order details to send to the customer. Letting them know the order was denied.
Duplicate the emails and make your shop internation. If your Joomla website is activated to have multiple languages you easily create emails in different languages and depdending on the language detected will determine which email to send in which language.
Rememebr that applying tax happens on a product level. You will define the type of tax that each product will have appplied and that will equate to the final price at checkout.