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  • Important Update:      Shop legacy sales are closed but will support ytp 4.2+ and Joomla 5

Home Dashboard Walkthrough

CommerceLab Shop has a state of the art vue.js dashboard making it a clean easy to use platform. Let's walk through what you'll see when you first enter Commercelab Shop

Your Shop Dashboard

Or go for darkmode

Sidebar Navigation


Quick navigation that will allow you to enter sections of the site. While this is pretty self explanitory we will walk through the drodown.

The yellow X will appear if your hovering the sidebar allowing you to close the sidebar when your in need of the full screen.

PageBuilder Hotlinks

Quickly navigate into builder home or directly to your Shop core pages. Never worry about having tofind your way to page in builder or naviagting to articles to get to builder.

Quickly make changes. and on close of builder return directly to the CommerceLab Shop dashboard.

Settings and configurationsl

Your settings dropdown will take you into any shop settings you might need to get to on the flywithout leaving the Component.

Sales Dashboard

Shop totals

Displaying the total amount your shop has earned, Total number of orders & total number of customers.

Shop totals

Displaying the total amount your shop has earned, Total number of orders & total number of customers.

Latest Orders & Status

A quick view of the latest orders your store has had and the orders status.

Latest Orders & Status

A quick view of the latest orders your store has had and the orders status.

Best selling products

A quick view of the best seeling products in your shop.

Overall Sales by date chart

A quick view of the best seeling products in your shop.
  • Go to the administration area of your Joomla 4 website, and navigate to
    Extensions >> Manage >> Install and go to the "Install Package File" tab.
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