Use the stripe advanced pay check add-on to create a one page Stripe checkout which increase conversions overlaying your shop website. This is a great toption for mobile heavy traffic shops.
We're going to walk through the download setup and install.
Purchase the stripe advanced Pay add-on
If you've recently purchased this add-on
Download the add-on from your "my Downloads" Area in your account.
Make sure to add your domain where your shop lives to your subscription. You will need this configured to use the add-on in your shop.
Adding a domain to my add-on subscription
Install your new add-on into the site where your CommerceLab Shop Component using Extensions >> Install
Youre going to need your Stripe credentials for sandbox testing on your site check and live credntials when you're ready to start taking real payments.
You can get your credentials from inside your stripe account
When in your stripe account click the button "Developers" in the top right corner
Toggle the switch now next to the "developers link to "Test Mode"
Copy and save your Test "Publishable Key" &
"Test Secret key" you'll need these for your Stripe Plugin
Toggle the "test Mode" Switch to off
Click the create button "Create a secrect Key"
Name it
Copy your new Secret Live Key. You will only be able to see it once so make sure to copy it and save it somewhere secure.
You will need to create a webhook end point back to your shop for both test mode and live mode. Do these steps in both test mode and live mode.
Your CommereLab Shop is listening for the results of the transaction to either tell your customer something went wrong or the transaction was completed and show them the order confirmation page.
Go to your "webhooks" section from the left menu when in the "developers" area
Click the "Add an End Point" button.
Name your webhook
Add this end point URL. (The URL is the same for both test and live mode).
Add a description that describes what happening such as "listneing for transaction details"
Then click the "select events" Button
Search for these endpoints and add them.
Save your test and live test end point secrets.
Next go to Settings >> Branding in Stripe to style your new stripe avdaced Pay Setup
Click this link to learn how to activate Apple pay if you'd like to use it
Next go to Settings >> Branding in Stripe to add some simple style options to your checkout like colors and logo icon.
Navigate to your Joomla 4 >> Plugins section and search for "Stripe"
Click into "System - CommerceLab Shop Stripe Advanced"
Add your background image that will display behind order details on the left of the one page checkout.
This is where you'll be entering your "Sandbox" credentials you saved then toggle the switch to "Live mode"
Add your test webhook end point secret
Leave "User Browser Locale?" Leave as yes. This is for advanced usage
Remember to turn live mode off for testing. Save & Close
Naviage to your checkout page. In your YOOtheme page builder under "COMMERCELAB PAYMENT (ADVANCED)" elements you can find your Stripe Advnaced element and drag this on to your page. To begin the setup and testing.
Drag this onto to your checkout page and begin configuring tests on your checkout.