Installing a theme demo on a server requires some basic knowldege of how to create a MY SQL database on a server and PHP 7+ which is usually presetup for you. This install guide will get you from installing through setup.
Make sure your new website domain is setup and pointing to your server.
Go to your PHP cpanel or application and create a new database. Have your new
1. Database Name
2. Database Username
3. Database Password
You will need these at the ready for the installation.
Note: You're gonna want to pre-check your PHP settings to make sure you are set to 7+ or higher.
Configure your FTP Server access: You will need to be able to login to your server to add files to your server in the Public_HTML folder.
When you've opened your public html folder proceed to step 3.
Go to the Download the theme you'd like to use just go to My Downloads >> Quickstart Themes and select the dtheme you'd like to use. Make sure youve logged in to view the proper download links.
After download unpack the zip folder on your computer so you can see the files.
Drag the files to your public_html folder and proceed with the upload.
Note: If you are missing any files from the folder or had erors with the upload we recommend reu;ploading the files to ennsure you've got them all on your server.
The following server checks allow for a smooth install of your demo quickstart. If you have any green checks disaply a red no please contact either us or your hosting provider for advanced support.
If lights are green. Click the button in the top right corner and proceed. If you're experiencing any checks not green you will need to contact your server administrator or your host for support.
You're ready to add those databse crednetials you setup earlier
NOTE: localhost is the typical setting for most servers available. Leave this here unless otherwise specifid by your host to change.
If all goes smoothly you will seethis messsage after submitting your credentials.
Click the next step button
Enter your Watchful key to validate your subscription and domain.
Just like a Joomla installer enter your website credentials.
Click the next step button when you've adde new crednetials for your website properly.
In order to stay in accordance with licensing laws. Your will need an active YOOtheme membership in order to use YOOtheme on this install. We will walk yout through getting this setup.
Don't be alarmed your site on the frontend won't look correct untill you do these next steps.
Nativagate to >> Page Builder
Download the latest Page Builder for Joomla
in Joomla 4 Nativgate to systems >> Install >> Extensions
Install the YOOtheme Page Builder
Navigate back to System >> Site templates
Click into in "Site Temaplate Styles"
Click the grey button and Change the default temaplte from "Cassiopea - Default" to "YOOtheme - Default"YOOtheme should now be default.
Your website will now be activated and ready for you to build with the demo theme.